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Personalized Dutch lessons with expert tutors

Our online Dutch course offers comprehensive lessons that cater to various levels of learners. From beginner to advanced, our experienced instructors provide tailored Dutch classes to suit your needs. Immerse yourself in the language and culture as you progress towards fluency.

Learn Dutch with the teacher F.D Dutch Sensei.

4,861 Lessons

F.D Dutch Sensei

id verified
Professional Teacher

WEEK 32 NOT TEACHING - Teaching since 2015, specializing NT2, ITNA and Inburgering Exam prep My lessons are interactive using textbooks,games and videos with a focus on speaking, understanding, writing and of course grammar I taught students from many origins who all had their own reasons in learning with me. If you're preparing for holiday, NT2 exam, have Dutch partner, I will help you to meet your goal.

USD 17.70/Hour
Available 17:00 Today
Learn Dutch with the teacher Davida.

1,437 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor

I am a positive and patient teacher who likes to teach in a diverse and interactive way. Wherever I can, I will adjust the lessons to your personal needs. Together we can work towards reaching your goals! Ik ben positief en geduldig en ik vind het leuk om op een gevarieerde en interactieve manier les te geven. Waar mogelijk zal ik de lessen aanpassen aan jouw persoonlijke wensen. Samen werken we aan het bereiken van jouw doelen!

USD 8.50/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher M a k e l a.

1,602 Lessons

M a k e l a

id verified
Professional Teacher

Qualified for every level & specialized in preparing students for the civic exam! * I teach business Dutch for work and careers * I am a professional teacher for beginners and advanced speakers * I am specialized in preparing students for the civic integration exam, to get the Dutch resident permit or to apply for Dutch citizenship* * I prepare students for job interviews* Besides, I am a certified and experienced teacher for young learners, starting at age 7. *I am patient, positive, focused & goal-oriented*

USD 17.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Raymond.

4,785 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher

Light-hearted & patient teacher focusing on dynamic and engaging Dutch and English classes. As your teacher, prioritizing your needs and addressing potential challenges comes first for me. I consider myself laid back and patient. I will always provide a comfortable environment for you to ask questions, make mistakes, and occasionally face learnful challenges. I'll do my utmost best to ensure that. Als jouw leraar prioriteer ik jouw wensen en potentiële uitdagingen. Ik beschouw mijzelf ontspannen en geduldig. Te allen tijde zal ik een relaxte omgeving voor jou bieden om vragen te stellen, fouten te maken en af en toe uitgedaagd te worden. Ik zal daar mijn uiterste best voor doen.

USD 17.50/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher French with Larissou.

3,902 Lessons

French with Larissou

id verified
Professional Teacher

28 ans d'expérience, 3800 cours sur italki. Près de 28 ans comme professeur donc .. 10 ans dans les écoles et puis par la suite, en cours particuliers en face à face ou ici sur italki. Pour la petite histoire, j'ai travaillé 10 ans comme professeur à Bruxelles avant de déménager à Paris où je me suis inscrite sur italki et depuis Juillet 2021 à l'Ile de Ré, près de La Rochelle. J'aime ce métier car il est convivial, pouvoir voir les progrès des élèves est toujours impressionnant :)

USD 10.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Johannes Simons.

9,990 Lessons

Johannes Simons

id verified
Professional Teacher

Experienced Dutch and English teacher, 27 years of experience. And 9k+ classes on iTalki in 4 years. After 3 years teaching here at iTalki, it is time to update my profile a bit. Here at iTalki I have specialized in teaching Dutch to all level of students: from A0 to C1, inburgeringsexamen, and medical Dutch for healthcare professionals. Besides Dutch I also prepare students in English exams such as TOEFL, FCE, CAE and IELTS. Sinds iets meer dan 5 jaar geef ik ook Nederlandse les. Sinds 2020 ook hier op iTalki. Geef Nederlands aan alle soorten studenten, van A0 tot C1, voorbereiding en helpen met het inburgeringsexamen en ook medisch Nederlands voor gezondheidszorgpersoneel. Met andere woorden. Gewoon proberen.

USD 9.59/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Gernarda.

1,339 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor


USD 5.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Stephanie.

4,846 Lessons


id verified
Professional Teacher

Certified Dutch teacher with years of experience After living quite long in Spain, I'm still a typical 'Kaaskop'. The perfect cheese head to show Dutch and the culture. And guess what, I’m not just helping people with passing their integration & NT2 exams, I also help people after living for many years in The Netherlands to get their Dutch perfect. I’m a translator as well, so know every little grammatical mistake. In addition, I’m teaching in front of groups (6-10 persons), courses for a specific amount of time. But I honestly enjoy the private lessons more, because I see earlier progress and you get to know each other better!

USD 18.00/trial
Available 07:00 Tomorrow
Learn Dutch with the teacher Saief D Shaw.

855 Lessons

Saief D Shaw

id verified
Community Tutor

I can describe myself as friendly, enthusiastic and respectful. I am here to help my students; that is why I like when my students make mistakes. Because if you're not trying, then you cannot make mistakes. Ik probeer mijn lessen leuk en gedenkwaardig te maken voor mijn studenten en ik probeer ze altijd op alle mogelijke manieren te helpen om ons doel aan het einde van de les te bereiken.

USD 7.00/trial
Available 13:45 Today
Learn Dutch with the teacher Maarten (馬騰).

2,980 Lessons

Maarten (馬騰)

id verified
Professional Teacher
Chinese (Mandarin)

Native Dutch/English instructor with 14+ years of experience! 不会说英文或荷兰文?没关系!成人、孩子都教! I have been teaching for well over a decade now. I was a language instructor in China for ten of the eleven years that I lived there (and an adventure tour leader for one!) and have also been teaching online for over three years now. My students have ranged from kindergarteners all the way up to adult professionals. I lived and worked in Guilin, Chongqing and Jiamusi and have developed a deep understanding of the people and culture of the country, although I enjoy learning about all cultures. After leaving China, I worked in law enforcement for a year and went back to school to pursue a degree in environmental science, but came back to teaching because I missed it!

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Teacher Cat.

4,590 Lessons

Teacher Cat

id verified
Professional Teacher

8+ years of teaching experience | I can answer all of your grammar questions | Perfect pronunciation As your teacher, I can tell you we're in this together. I look at a wide range of things, such as preferred learning methods by my students, learning styles, and making sure there's a balance between grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. With the help of my YouTube channel, my own material, audio recordings and step-by-step instructions, I give very detailed feedback and tips so that we'll see a steady progression in building language skills and confidence.

USD 25.00/trial
Available 10:30 Today
Learn Dutch with the teacher Quinten.

174 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor

I believe that everyone has different ways of learning and that is why I love one-on-one classes. I can adapt to you and come up with a method that is perfectly tutored to you. I start with 3 types of lessons to choose from, that we alter together to reach your goals - Conversational ==> through interesting conversations, I help you build vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Perfect for both kids and beginner adults! - Industry specific ==> If you have ambition to work in any of the fields that I have worked in, this is THE perfect class for you! - Business ==> Having 2 bachelors degrees in Business, I can help you create more opportunities for your career with a new language

USD 6.00/trial
Available 16:30 Today
Learn Dutch with the teacher Nikki Spithost.

102 Lessons

Nikki Spithost

id verified
Community Tutor

Let me help you enjoy learning Dutch! 🌷 I'm an experienced teacher on- and offline, in private classes and with (big) groups, and teaching ages ranging from 5 to 75. I am very patient and understanding but I can also motivate and keep you accountable to make sure you reach your goals. As a teacher/tutor I'm there for you and your specific needs. That might be for conversation practice, you might need help understanding specific grammar, you might need help preparing for an exam, you name it - I'm here for it all!

USD 13.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Job den Besten.

334 Lessons

Job den Besten

id verified
Professional Teacher

Qualified native Dutch Speaker with 4 years of experience (NT2/Inburgering/CNAVT/Speaking/Grammar So far I have done over 2000+ lessons, helped over 200 students, and gathered sufficient information that is useful in order to pass your exams or to get familiar with the language. I'd love to hear about your country and experiences. This will make learning more fun! I always make sure I'm prepared before our lesson starts, so we can start right away and make the most of your time. If you wish to have a well-organized and disciplined tutor who can help you achieve your goals and express yourself authentically - you can count on me! Dutch is a pretty straight-forward language, and so am I. It would be a pleasure to accompany you on your journey to speaking fluent Dutch. I use zoom/VooV

USD 8.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Nicole.

2,617 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor

A spontaneous, relaxed person who can listen well that's who I am as a teacher. I'd love to teach people a new skill. In this case Dutch. Don't be shy or nervous to make mistakes. From mistakes you can learn. I am very patient. I try to figure out what kind of learner you are and where possible, adapt my lessons to your learning style, to keep you motivated and progressing.

USD 9.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Nikki Derlagen.

670 Lessons

Nikki Derlagen

id verified
Community Tutor

Traveling photographer & filmmaker that loves learning ánd teaching languages I'm quite relaxed and patient, but I will definitely challenge you enough to make sure your level goes up every class. I do think however, that it's okay to make plenty of mistakes since this is a big part of learning a new language and also from what you learn the most. So during our conversations or an exercise I will mainly let you go ahead and discuss some corrections later, instead of constantly interrupting you. The most important thing is that you get a lot of practice with the language, that speaking Dutch becomes comfortable for you and that you show progress instead of shutting down because you're striving for perfection :)

USD 14.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Raquel.

2,486 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor

Professional tutor providing support in building confidence for all student levels. My passion to teach comes from wanting to help students reach their learning goals whether it is improving ones confidence to practice or to use the language on a day-to-day basis. Being a student shows me the adaptability needed to provide learners with the required support, this includes having a calm and patient approach to teaching.

USD 15.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Joshua.

7,794 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor

Docent Nederlands, voor een interactieve, gezellige les met nadruk op spreken en grammatica Here in China I found a lot of people, both kids and adults that wanted to speak or learn from foreigners. As such I slowly learned how to teach people. Now I feel confident to teach English as well as Dutch. Teaching is a lot of fun to me, seeing students grow from beginners into full native speakers is great. As such I want to teach more people here on Italki. Hier in China zijn er veel mensen die Engels willen leren. Zij vroegen mij of ik hen kon helpen omdat ik een buitenlander was. Daarom ben ik gaan nadenken hoe ik hen zou kunnen helpen. Nu 11 jaar later ben ik er zeker van dat ik mensen kan helpen om een vreemde taal te leren. Ik hou ervan om leerlingen te zien groeien in een taal.

USD 5.00/trial
Learn Dutch with the teacher Rehana.

5,799 Lessons


id verified
Community Tutor

I have taught Dutch for more than four years at the schools in Suriname(south America). I have been teaching English for more than three years now online to juniors and adults. In those forms i am used to teaching both groups as individuals. I got experience to teach in classroom but also online classroom. I have got a bachelor's degree in teaching and have in total 8 years of teaching experience . I have taught Dutch for more than four years at the primary schools in Suriname and i have been teaching English more than three years online. By practice i have learned to teach in an easy and effective manner. I can help you with your grammar and pronounciation skills.

USD 7.65/trial
Available 13:45 Today
Learn Dutch with the teacher Kiki Rewinkel.

808 Lessons

Kiki Rewinkel

id verified
Community Tutor

BEd (Bachelor of education) as history teacher, experience with teaching Dutch On Italki I'm the same cheerful lady as in real life. I already love that you want to be there, because teaching one-on-one is heaven compared to a room full of uninterested teenagers who are forced by the law to study. Motivation is a big contributor for learning. The most important thing is that you develop a sense of language through repetition and that you learn to express yourself in Dutch. That you dare to speak. You will develop through mistakes and trial and error. * für die Deutschsprachigen. Ich bin bereit, Ihnen Niederländisch in Ihrer eigenen Sprache beizubringen.

USD 11.50/trial
Available 12:45 Today
Your final payment will be made in USD

Frequently asked questions about online Dutch courses

Our Dutch lessons are meticulously structured to ensure a comprehensive learning experience that caters to learners of all levels. The lessons follow a well-defined pattern that encompasses vocabulary building, grammar instruction, listening practice, speaking exercises, reading comprehension, and writing tasks. Each lesson is designed to enhance your language skills progressively. Our instructors employ interactive methods, engaging activities, and real-life contexts to make learning Dutch both effective and enjoyable. This structured approach allows you to develop a strong foundation in the language while building confidence in your communication abilities. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to advance your skills, our Dutch lessons provide a solid structure for achieving your language goals.

The italki online Dutch course stands out as the best choice for several reasons. Firstly, we offer a diverse and qualified pool of Dutch tutors who are experienced in teaching learners of all levels. This ensures that you can find a tutor who aligns with your learning style and goals. Secondly, our courses are flexible and personalized, allowing you to tailor your learning journey to your specific needs and schedule. Additionally, our interactive and engaging lessons are designed to foster practical communication skills, focusing on real-life scenarios and cultural nuances. The one-on-one nature of the lessons provides you with personalized attention, enabling faster progress and addressing individual challenges effectively. With italki, you’re not just learning a language, you’re immersing yourself in a dynamic and supportive learning community that empowers you to achieve fluency in Dutch.

Yes, italki offers flexible schedules for Dutch classes. Our platform allows you to choose a tutor whose availability matches your own, so you can find a suitable time for your lessons. Whether you have a busy work schedule, varying time zones, or other commitments, you can work with your chosen tutor to set up a lesson schedule that fits your needs. This flexibility ensures that you can learn Dutch at your own pace and according to your own schedule, making it easier to integrate language learning into your daily routine.

Absolutely! italki provides a platform where you can find Dutch tutors with flexible schedules. This means you can choose a tutor who can accommodate your availability, whether you have a busy work schedule, different time zones, or other commitments. The flexibility of scheduling ensures that you can learn Dutch at a pace that suits you, making it easier to incorporate language learning into your daily routine.

Yes, you can definitely expect personalized attention in italki’s Dutch classes. The platform allows you to choose from a variety of experienced Dutch tutors who tailor their teaching methods to your individual learning style and goals. With one-on-one lessons, your tutor can focus solely on your needs, address your specific challenges, and adapt the lesson content to match your interests and pace. This personalized approach ensures a more effective and engaging learning experience, ultimately helping you progress in the Dutch language more efficiently.

Ready to start learning Dutch today? Sign up now to find the perfect Dutch teacher for you and take your language skills to the next level!