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Travel opens people minds to a new culture and a new language. We learn a new language so we can travel and also travel so that we can learn a new language.
Olá! Hoje quero escrever um bocadinho em português. Há muito, muito tempo que não escrevi nada em português, nem em geral fiz nada em português: também não li, nem falei nem nada. Agora quero retomar um pouco o estudo do português. Comprei a versão en livro electrónico da tradução portuguesa da primeira parte de O Senhor dos Anéis, de J. R. T. Tolkien, um livro que já li em espanhol, para voltar a praticar a leitura em língua portuguesa. Também tenho de voltar a procurar canais de YouTube em português de Portugal, que é a variedades que eu estou a estudar. Outra das minhas “matérias pendentes”, pro assim dizer, é com certeza viajar para Portugal, porque apesar de eu ser espanhol nunca estive para Portugal. É verdade que eu moro na parte da Espanha que é mais longe de Portugal (exceptuando obviamente as ilhas), a parte leste da península, mais não é desculpa suficiente para não ter visitado nunca o nosso país irmão. Tal vez a próxima vez que o meu companheiro tenha dias livres no trabalho planejaremos uma viagem para Portugal. Gostaria muito de visitar Lisboa, mas também Porto, Coimbra, Évora, braga, etc. Sei que obviamente não é possível visitar tudo isso numa sola viagem, mais iremos pouco a pouco. Provavelmente a primeira viagem será a da opção mais evidente: Lisboa. E vocês, amigos portugueses, já visitaram a Espanha?
Oct 14, 2024 11:16 AM
In this episode I will share some fun experiences about Travelling in China. Discover the best way to travel in China that fits your style! Enjoy~ Here are some useful words you may learn from this episode: 1. 旺季 wàng jì 英文解释: peak season 中文解释: 经济活动、旅游等领域中最繁忙的季节,通常需求量和价格较高。 2. 淡季 dàn jì 英文解释: off-season 中文解释: 需求相对较少,经济活动较为清淡的季节,价格通常较低。 3. 暑期 shǔ qī 英文解释: summer vacation 中文解释: 学生暑假期间,通常在夏季,是旅行和活动的高峰期。 4. 长假 cháng jià 英文解释: long holiday 中文解释: 通常指时间较长的假期,比如国庆节或春节。 5. 性价比 xìng jià bǐ 英文解释: cost-performance ratio 中文解释: 产品或服务的质量与其价格之间的比值,性价比高指质量较好、价格合理。 6. 攻略 gōng lüè 英文解释: strategy or guide 中文解释: 旅游、游戏等领域中的指南或建议,帮助人们更好地规划和执行计划。 7. 搜索框 sōu suǒ kuàng (播客中我的发音有误) 英文解释: search box 中文解释: 在网页或应用程序上用来输入关键词进行搜索的文本框。 8. 地貌 dì mào 英文解释: landform 中文解释: 地球表面自然形成的各种形态,如山脉、平原、河谷等。 9. 行程 xíng chéng 英文解释: itinerary 中文解释: 旅行或活动的详细计划和安排。 10. 心仪 xīn yí 英文解释: be fond of; admire 中文解释: 对某事物或某人感到喜爱或仰慕。 11. 设施 shè shī 英文解释: facility 中文解释: 为特定用途提供的设备或建筑物,如体育设施、医疗设施等。 12. 方言 fāng yán 英文解释: dialect 中文解释: 某一地区特有的语言变体,与标准语言或其他方言有所不同。 13. 启发 qǐ fā 英文解释: inspiration; enlightenment 中文解释: 通过某种事物或经验引起新的思考或获得新想法。 14. 历史悠久 lì shǐ yōu jiǔ 英文解释: long history 中文解释: 拥有悠久的发展历程,通常用于形容古老的文化或事物。 15. 地大物博 dì dà wù bó 英文解释: vast territory and abundant resources 中文解释: 国家或地区面积广阔,资源丰富。 16. 仅此而已 jǐn cǐ ér yǐ 英文解释: that's all 中文解释: 事情只有这些,没有更多的内容。 17. 货比三家 huò bǐ sān jiā 英文解释: shop around 中文解释: 购物时货比三家,以找到最合适的价格或质量。 18. 五湖四海 wǔ hú sì hǎi 英文解释: all corners of the world 中文解释: 指世界各地,也可指来自各地的人们。 19. 入乡随俗 rù xiāng suí sú 英文解释: when in Rome, do as the Romans do 中文解释: 到了某个地方,应遵守当地的风俗习惯。
Travelling in China~在中国旅行
Oct 12, 2024 2:31 PM
🌍 One Month in Thailand: My Journey So Far 🌍 Part 1 It’s been a month since I landed in Thailand, and I’ve already covered quite a bit of ground. I’ve been to Bangkok, Phuket, and Phi Phi, and each place has offered something unique. My first stop in Thailand was in the crazy capital of Bangkok. I was immediately struck by the energy of the place, specifically the noise and the overwhelming amount of motorbikes. The traffic is mad, and the streets are always busy with people going about their day. I tried plenty of local street food, including pad Thai and different curries. Most of the food is very spicy, even if the locals insist it is not. What I found quite interesting is that when I asked the Thai people for little spice, they understood that as a small amount of spicy sauce rather than reducing the overall spiciness or changing to a less spicy sauce. So if you’re here, that might be some useful information! The 7/11 stores became my go-to for cold drinks and quick snacks, they’re literally on every corner. Phuket was a different experience being the biggest island in Thailand; there are many cool places to visit. I took a half-day tour visiting an elephant sanctuary with four elephants, where I learned about them and interacted with them in an ethical way. It was a fantastic experience that left me with a deeper appreciation for these gentle giants. On another day, I went to the famous Big Buddha temple, which was, as the name suggests, very big! For my final day, I hiked up a hill known for its monkeys. As I was walking up the mountain, the third and final monkey I encountered managed to steal my Fanta bottle right out of my bag while it was still on my back! He sat and drank the whole thing in front of me without any fear. In my opinion, this monkey has created a great advertisement for the Fanta brand. In the next article, I will be discussing the famous Koh Phi Phi islands and Krabi!
Sep 27, 2024 9:47 AM
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