Check this out. (Does the explanation about these past tenses make sense? Why Can't I use "was going to" rather than "supposed to" or "due to"? question: - I was going to meet Harry at three o'clock, but he didn't show up. Is It correct? I agree with what you say about "didn't show up" versus "hasn't shown up", but "going to" doesn't quite sound right to me in this context. I prefer Harry was supposed to meet me at three o' clock, but he didn't show up (if you have given up waiting); or Harry was due to meet me at three o' clock, but he didn't show up (if you have given up waiting); or Harry was supposed to meet me at three o' clock, but he hasn't shown up yet (if you are still waiting); or Harry was due to meet me at three o' clock, but he hasn't shown up yet (if you are still waiting).
2 hours ago
Please correct this article for me. I got up at 6:15. Because of heavy rain, I arrived at school at 8:10 and finished breakfast at 8:40. I talked with Huangjinxi at the third class, taking over my time to prepare lessons. I visited a navy base with colleagues this afternoon, learning some knowledge about the development of Chinese navy. The most interesting thing is to taste the special food for soldiers. After that, I drove home. I only had some fruits, nuts and yogurt for dinner. After dinner, I watched some NBA videos, then learn English from YouTube. I worked out from home, doing pull-up and sit-up. It was already 21:40 after I finished a shower. Some ideas about filling up the car came to my mind, so I learned how to find cheaper gas station online. I spent too much on my phone, taking away my time to read. I must try to get rid of this bad habit.
5 hours ago
What are the best exercises for men's health? The best exercises for men's health encompass a combination of cardiovascular, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Aerobic activities like brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling improve heart health, reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes and promote weight management. If you are suffering from ED issue then you can visit dosepharmacy Strength training exercises, such as weightlifting or bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats, help build muscle mass, increase metabolism, and improve bone density. Flexibility exercises like yoga or stretching routines enhance joint mobility, reduce muscle tension, and prevent injuries. Incorporating a variety of exercises into a balanced fitness routine can optimize men's overall health and well-being.
14 hours ago
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