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Learn Russian with TOP Russian TV SHOWS! Are you looking for popular Russian TV SHOWS to Watch to expand your vocabulary, and improve your Russian listening comprehension? I came up with more than 10 of them, including one starring the current President of Ukraine! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljPOIAby6LY&list=PLpgpVaWoAiTE4We57BOPxBP03VyWXKKWn Hope you'll enjoy! (you'll find a Playlist with Russian movies there as well) Here's my list ✓ (you'll find all the links under the Video 👆) 👉 Как я стал русским - HOW I TURNED RUSSIAN (there's a Polish actor speaking Russian there!) 👉 Интерны - INTERNS (there's an American actor speaking Russian there!) 👉 Кухня - THE KITCHEN 👉 Отель Элеон - ELEON HOTEL (there's a Serbian actor speaking Russian there!) 👉 СеняФедя - SenyaFedya 👉 Гранд - GRAND 👉 Моя прекрасная няня - MY FAIR NANNY 👉 Счастливы вместе - HAPPY TOGETHER 👉 Папины дочки - DADDY’S DAUGHTERS 👉 Сваты - IN-LAWS 👉 Воронины - THE VORONINS (also EXPORTING RAYMOND, a Documentary on adapting “Everybody Loves Raymond” for the Russian audience) 👉 Родком - RODCOM 👉 Слуга Народа - SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE You can watch all these shows ONLINE, you'll find all the links under the video! You can also Search: [название] СМОТРЕТЬ онлайн бесплатно [name] watch online free бесплАтно = free подпИска = subscription реклАма = ads сериАл = TV show сЕрия = episode сезОн = season сюжЕт = plot снимАть = to shoot a series, a movie or a set of photos (It ends w -ать, so it conjugates the same way as the verb “слУшать") 🍿🤗 Let me know what Russian TV shows you’ve seen so far, and which ones you liked the most!
18 Thg 02 2021 04:57