Japan has a rich culture that dates back thousands of years, dating back to 14,500 BC. Some Japanese customs observed by early Chinese explorers over 2,000 years ago are still practiced today. Knowing about Japanese culture will allow you to get involved with Japanese people in a better way.
Japan has some of the world’s best cultural offerings, with proud traditions of elegance, simplicity, and formality. It is no surprise that Japan has 23 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. However, some aspects of Japanese culture are perceived as strange and inaccessible by Westerners.
Indeed, Japan experienced a long period of isolation, and as a result, it developed some rather unique practices that may confuse someone unfamiliar with the country. If you are planning a trip to Japan, know that learning Japanese is not as much tougher as it used to be. Book yourself with italki to get the best Japanese teachers (mostly native speakers) who will help you with Japanese writing systems, sentence formation, and Japanese culture.
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What is Japanese culture famous for
Some aspects of Japanese culture, such as the tea ceremony and sumo wrestling, may be familiar to you, but others may be new to you. Here are some interesting facts about Japanese culture to get you familiarized with the customs of the Land of the Rising Sun.
History of Japanese culture
Chinese and Korean influences were present in ancient Japan. Many technologies, including rice farming and ironwork, originated in China and Korea. Buddhism arrived in Japan via the Korean peninsula, and Japanese kanji are derived from Chinese characters.
Even the ever-popular tea was imported from China, first brought to Japan in the 8th century by Buddhist monks returning from their studies in China.
Confucianism and its teachings spread throughout Japan, contributing to the development of Japan’s group-oriented culture. According to this Confucian principle, the harmony of the group takes precedence over the feelings of the individual.
As a result, Japanese people regard themselves as a collective group, and they take great care to act in the best interests of those around them in order to maintain their integrity. The ability to read the atmosphere (空気を読む, くうきをよむ) is required in all situations so that everyone’s feelings are considered before making a decision.
The four seasons are central to Japanese customs. Japan values its four distinct seasons: warm pleasant springs, hot humid summers, crisp blustery autumns, and cool frosty winters.
As a result, life in Japan tends to ebb and flow with the seasons. In the spring, Japanese people look forward to the cherry blossom viewing and wearing yukata at summer festivals. Different foods are also served depending on the season—roasted sweet potatoes are a popular autumn treat!
Another Japanese custom is Tokyo’s enormous influence on everything. Beginning in feudal times, when nobility and military officials were required to live in Tokyo, a common “Tokyo culture” became pervasive and widely accepted as the standard for all of Japan.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Area is home to one-quarter of Japan’s population, and it serves as the country’s political, financial, and cultural center. In movies, it is also frequently attacked by giant monsters, much like New York or Los Angeles in the United States!
Now that you have mastered the fundamentals, read on for more information on various aspects of Japanese life.
The language of Japanese
Japanese is the world’s ninth most popular language with three writing systems, complicated grammatical structures, and an entire subsection of hierarchical language.
Japanese is a language isolate, which means it has no relationship to any other language. This makes Japanese unique in its structure, with no other language in the world quite like it.
Japanese pronunciation
Despite the fact that there are many difficult aspects of Japanese, pronunciation is not one of them. Because spoken Japanese has 15 consonants and only five vowels, pronouncing Japanese is relatively simple once you have mastered the accent.
These consonants and vowels are combined to form syllables, which are represented by hiragana and katakana. Every syllable is pronounced the same way, regardless of where it appears in a sentence.
Japanese writing
Speaking of kana, the two indigenous systems used to write Japanese are hiragana and katakana. They are classified as syllabaries, which means that one character in the language corresponds to one syllable (consonant + vowel). Kanji, on the other hand, is a Chinese word. Kanji is a pictographic system in which one character represents one idea. Surprisingly, hiragana and katakana were derived from kanji.

Japanese speech
Japanese has gendered speech, which means that men and women have different speech styles. Personal pronouns and sentence-ending particles are the two main distinctions.
Japan also has different dialects depending on where you live. Varieties of the Japanese language abound throughout the country, from Hokkaido to Osaka and all the way down to Okinawa. Someone from Aomori may find it strange how someone speaks in Fukuoka. You can learn different Japanese greetings depending on where you live. These greetings will help you hold courteous and culturally acceptable Japanese conversations.
Superstition and Japan
Japan is a superstitious country. Many of these superstitions are based on word associations, as Japanese has many homophones (words pronounced the same but with different meanings), many of which have roots in folklore.
Unlucky years, known as 厄年 (やくどし), are ages in a person’s life when it is believed they are more prone to bad luck. In terms of bad omens, the numbers 4 and 9 represent death and suffering, respectively, and are thus avoided in room numbers and gift-giving. Fortune telling is popular, as is visiting a shrine to receive a fortune or make a wish to the gods.
Food and drink in Japanese culture

Washoku (和食, わしょく, is traditional Japanese food known for its simple, clean flavors that vary by region. Food is taken very seriously, and the ideal meal is created with a balance of colors, flavors, and nutrients in mind.
Although there are many delicious meat dishes available in Japan, fish and seafood are the staple proteins of Japanese meals. Every washoku menu includes miso soup and pickled vegetables, as well as delicious, fluffy white rice.
When it comes to beverages, few are more popular than tea. In Japan, dozens of tea varieties are grown, and bottles of warm and cold tea are sold in vending machines across the country for example, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, etc.
In Japanese culture, alcohol has a special place. Japanese people are big drinkers, from traditional sake to chuu-hai and beer, and many bonding sessions between colleagues take place over glasses of beer at an izakaya. When drinking, it’s important to fill your friends’ glasses first, preferably before your own.
Manners and Etiquette in Japan
When visiting a new country, you may discover that their manners and etiquette differ from your own. Learning about Japanese etiquette will save you from many awkward situations.
For good reason, Japan is known for its courtesy. Having good manners is essential in Japan, whether it’s taking your shoes off before entering someone’s home or giving up your seat to an old lady who just entered the train. Japanese people nurture their relationships with one another and maintain group harmony by making this show of good faith.
Japanese customs and traditions

Stop wondering how long it takes to learn Japanese, instead start your learning journey today. Before you get into Japan, knowing Japanese culture and traditions will help you a lot to understand the context.
In comparison to Western clothing, clothing in Japan is modest, muted in color, and concealing. Not everyone is dressed in bright Lolita (frilly, Victorian-style) dresses. Furthermore, traditional clothing is still worn by Japanese people at festivals and important ceremonies.
Tattoos have long been associated with the yakuza, who sport intricate full-body works of art that identify them with their clan. Tattoos may be more acceptable among younger people.
Dating does not begin until someone admits it. This mutual acknowledgment of each other’s feelings serves as the foundation for starting a relationship. Japanese people may also be less openly affectionate, preferring to show their affection in subtle ways. Kissing your sweetheart in public is also considered rude.
Frequently asked questions
Q. What separates Japan from the rest of the world?
A. Architecture, art, traditions, and crafts in Japan are very unique. It also has a well-known pop culture (including manga, anime, and video games). It’s something that only Japan can provide. There is no other country with the same characteristics.
Q. What food is popular in Japan?
A. Sushi is the most famous Japanese dish and the first thing people prefer when they think of Japanese cuisine.
Q. What is Japan’s national dish?
A. Curry rice
With so much culture to discover, Japan is a country where you can get lost indefinitely. Everyone can find something that interests them, whether it’s sports or the arts.
Above all, learning about Japanese culture, customs, and history will help to get involved with the people. It will also help you build some healthy relationships and friendships.
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