If you can communicate with locals, your trip to any Spanish-speaking country will be much more enjoyable and meaningful. But what types of Spanish travel phrases do you need to know? There are a few most common Spanish travel phrases that will help you take your trip from “good” to “great.”
In this guide, you will find a long list of Spanish travel phrases. You will definitely use these phrases on your trip to any Spanish-speaking country. So, without any delay let’s get started!
Some basic Spanish phrases and greetings
In general, Spanish-speaking countries are very polite, and you should always be courteous and say “hello” and “how are you?”
Don’t be concerned about making mistakes. Most people will make every effort to understand you and ensure that you understand them. Try your hardest, and they will gladly reciprocate. You can also use a Spanish translator app to understand what other people are saying.
- Hola (OH-lah) – Hi
- Buenos días (BWEH-nos DEE-ahs) – Good morning
- Buenas tardes (BWEH-nahs TAR-dehs) – Good afternoon
- Buenas noches (BWEH-nahs NOH-chehs) – Good evening
- ¿Cómo se llama? (COH-moh seh YAH-mah) – What’s your name? (formal)
- ¿Cómo te llamas? (COH-moh teh YAH-mahs) – What’s your name? (informal)
- Me llamo… (meh YAH-moh) – My name is…
- Mucho gusto (MOO-choh GOOS-toh) – Nice to meet you
- ¿Cómo está? (COH-moh es-TAH) – How are you? (formal)
- ¿Cómo estás? (COH-moh es-TAHS) – How are you? (informal)
- Bien, gracias (bee-EHN, GRAH-cee-ahs) – Good, thank you
- Por favor (pohr fah-VOHR) – Please
- Gracias (GRAH-cee-ahs) – Thank you
- Perdón (per-DOHN) – Sorry
- ¿Habla inglés? (AH-blah een-GLEHS?) – Do you speak English?
- No hablo español (no AH-bloh ehs-pah-NYOHL) – I don’t speak Spanish
Spanish phrases for everyday use
By using these phrases, you may not sound as sophisticated as you do in English, but you will be understood.
- Yo quiero / Yo no quiero (yoh kee-EH-roh) / (yoh noh kee-EH-roh) – I want / I don’t want
- Me gustaría ; Quisiera (meh goo-stah-REE-ah) ; (kee-see-EH-rah) -I would like (more polite)
- ¿Dónde está…? (DOHN-des-TAH…? – Where is…?
- ¿Cuánto cuesta? (KWAHN-toh KWEHS-tah?) – How much does it cost?
- ¿Qué hora es? (keh OHR-ah ess?) – What time is it?
- ¿Tiene…? (tee-EHN-eh…?) – Do you have…?
- Yo tengo / Yo no tengo (yoh TEHN-goh) / (yoh noh TEHN-goh) – I have / I don’t have
- Yo entiendo / Yo no entiendo (yoh ehn-tee-EHN-doh) / (yoh noh ehn-tee-EHN-doh) – I understand / I don’t understand
- ¿Entiende? (ehn-tee-EHN-deh?) – Do you understand?
- Yo quiero un boleto (yoh kee-EH-roh oon boh-LEH-toh) – I want a ticket
- …un hotel (oon oh-TEHL) – …a hotel
- …un taxi (oon tahk-SEE) – …a taxi
If you want to know the exact pronunciation of these phrases along with their use, get yourself enrolled with italki. With italki, it is super easy to learn Spanish as they have a large team of Spanish tutors. The majority of the Spanish tutors online on italki are native speakers. You can visit the website to select your preferred tutor and start learning Spanish in the comfort of your home.
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Asking for directions in Spanish
If you get lost or are unsure how to get somewhere, “dónde está?” is the simplest way to get directions. Here are a few more Spanish phrases, locations, and directions to help you on your journey:
- ¿Dónde está la estación de ferrocarril? (DOHN-des-TAH la ehs-ta-see-OHN deh feh-roh-cahr-REEL?) – Where is the railway station?
- ¿Dónde hay un restaurante? (DOHN-deh eye oon rehs-toh-RAHN-teh?) – Where is a restaurant?
- Un tren (oon trehn) – A train
- La calle… (lah CAH-yeh…) – The street…
- Un banco (oon BAHN-coh) – A bank
- El baño (el BAHN-yoh) – The bathroom
- Busco un hotel (BOO-scoh oon oh-TEHL) – I’m looking for a hotel
- Yo necesito un hotel (yoh neh-seh-SEE-toh oon oh-TEHL) – I need a hotel
- …un cuarto (oon KWAHR-toh) – …a room
- …un cuarto con baño (oon KWAHR-toh cohn BAHN-yoh) – …a room with a bathroom
- ¿Dónde hay una casa de cambio? (DOHN-deh eye OON-ah CAH-sah deh CAHM-bee-oh?) – Where is the currency exchange?
- ¿Dónde está el banco? (DOHN-des-TAH ehl BAHN-koh?) – Where is the bank?
- Dinero (dee-NEH-roh) – Money
Remember, one of the fastest ways to learn Spanish is to practice it without the fear of mistakes and judgments. Learn these phrases and try to use them in your sentences. It will give you the confidence to speak Spanish and will also fasten your process of becoming a fluent Spanish speaker.
Once you have asked a question, someone will answer you in Spanish. Listen for these keywords:
- A la derecho (ah lah deh-REH-chah) – To the right
- A la izquierda (ah lah ees-KYEHR-dah) – To the left
- Derecho (Deh-REH-choh) – Straight ahead
- En la esquina (ehn lah ehs-KEE-nah) – At the corner
- A una cuadra (ah OO-nah KWAH-drah) – In one block
- …dos cuadras (dohs KWAH-drahs) – …two blocks
- …tres cuadras (trehs KWAH-drahs) – …three blocks
- …cuatro cuadras KWAH-troh KWAH-drahs) – …four blocks
Spanish travel phrases for hotels and stay
You have found your hotel and are eager to check-in. Staff at international chains will most likely be able to communicate with you in English, but these phrases and questions will be useful for local hotels, hostels, bed and breakfasts, and so on.
These will also be useful if you need to make changes to your reservation or are interested in other hotel amenities.
- Yo tengo una reserva a nombre de… (yoh TEHN-goh OO-nah reh-SEHR-bah ah NOHM-bre deh…) – I have a reservation under the name of…
- Estadía de tres noches (eh-stah-DEE-ah deh trehs noh-chehs) – Three-night stay
- Una habitación para dos personas (OO-nah ah-bee-ta-SYON pah-rah dohs pehr-SOH-nahs) – A room for two people
- Una habitación con una cama de matrimonio (OO-nah ah-bee-ta-SYON kohn OO-nah KAH-mah deh mah-tree-MOH-nee-oh) – A room with a double bed
- ¿Dónde está la piscina? (DOHN-des-TAH lah pee-SEE-nah?) – Where is the pool?
- ¿A qué hora es el desayuno? (ah keh OHR-ah ess ehl deh-sah-YOO-noh?) – What time is breakfast?
- ¿Puedo solicitar una salida tardía? (PWEH-doh soh-lee-see-TAHR OO-nah sah-LEE-dah tahr-DEE-ah?) – Can I request a late check-out?
- ¿Tiene servicio de habitaciones? (tee-EH-neh sehr-BEE-see-oh deh ah-bee-ta-SYO-nehs?) – Do you have room service?
- ¿Cuál es la contraseña de WiFi? (kwahl ehs lah cohn-trah-SEHN-yah deh wai-fai?) – What is the WiFi password?
- Una cama supletoria (OO-nah CAH-mah soo-pleh-TOH-ryah) – An extra bed
- Vista del mar (BEES-tah dehl mahr) – Ocean view
- Vista de la ciudad (BEES-tah deh lah see-yoo-dahd) – City view
- Un balcón (oon bahl-KOHN) – A balcony
- La terraza (lah tehr-RAH-zah) – The rooftop / terrace
- El gimnasio (ehl him-NAH-see-oh) – The gym
- La playa (lah PLAH-yah) – The beach
- El vestíbulo (ehl behs-TEE-boo-loh) – The lobby
Spanish travel phrases for airport
Whether you want to see a show, see an art exhibit, watch a local movie, or travel to the next town (or country), you will need to purchase a ticket.
- Su pasaporte, por favor (su pas-ah-POR-teh, pohr fah-VOHR) – Your passport, please
- Quisiera cambiar mi reserve (kee-see-EH-rah cahm-BEE-ar mee reh-SER-vah) – I would like to change my reservation
- ¿Podría elegir mi asiento? (pohd-REE-ah eh-leh-HIR mee ah-see-EHN-toh) – Could I choose my seat?
- Quisiera cambiar mi asiento (kee-see-EH-rah cahm-BEE-ar mee ah-see-EHN-toh) – I would like to change my seat
- Este es mi equipaje de mano (EHS-teh ehs mee eh-kee-PAH-heh deh MAH-noh) – This is my carry-on luggage
- ¿Se ha cancelado el vuelo? (seh ah cahn-seh-LAH-doh ehl BWEH-lo) – Has the flight been canceled?
- ¿Dónde está la terminal internacional? (DOHN-des-TAH lah ter-mee-NAHL een-tehr-nah-syoh-NAHL) – Where is the international terminal?
- ¿Dónde está la puerta de embarque? (DOHN-des-TAH lah PWEHR-tah deh ehm-BAHR-keh) – Where is the boarding gate?
- ¿A qué hora es el embarque? (ah keh OHR-ah es ehl ehm-BAHR-keh?) – What time is boarding?
- ¿Dónde puedo comprar las entradas? (DOHN-deh PWEH-doh kohm-PRAHR ehn-TRAH-dahs?) – Where can I buy tickets?
Frequently asked questions
Q. What are the most important phrases in Spanish?
A. Buenos días = Good morning, Buenas tardes = Good afternoon, Buenas noches = Good evening, Me llamo… = my name is… etc.
Q. What are Spanish courtesy phrases?
A. Por favor – Please, Gracias – Thanks, De nada – You’re welcome, No hay de qué – You are welcome, Con permiso – Excuse me.
Q. What to expect when traveling to Spain?
A. The public transport is excellent, Spanish isn’t the only official language in Spain, people eat very late and things don’t always start on time.
Do you think you are better prepared for your trip now? Pack these Spanish travel phrases with the rest of your essentials to make the most of your vacation. Learn Spanish accents to converse with locals just like natives do!
Try experimenting with the selection of your words and phrases. It will make your trip memorable and full of fun and laughter!
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