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Share your favorite Podcasts or anything you've learned from Podcasts here. italki Teachers can create their own podcasts here. Listening to Podcasts is a great way to improve your listening skill.
⭐ Regardless of your level and goal, if you really want to improve immediately and achieve your goal 100% without any regression, please just follow: 1️⃣ Just Ask & Read [ORIGINAL WORD - 다] 2️⃣ Bring [MY GRAMMAR] 3️⃣ Blindly reading and memorizing will never work because we forget as humans. I'll teach you how to analyze the Korean language using my strategies that help you apply to everything you want. So please remember—it's okay to forget words but not strategies. 📌Subject strategy 📌Conjuation strategy 📌Experience strategy 📌Korean & Chinese strategy 📌English strategy 📌Weird strategy 📌Pronunciation strategy 📌Listening strategy 📌Reading strategy
___근하다 to work overtime ___식 late-night snack ___식을 먹다 to eat late-night snack
ทดสอบ 4 คน
4 ชั่วโมงที่แล้ว
🦁🐯🐼Vi siete mai chiesti cosa succede davvero quando interagiamo con la fauna durante i nostri viaggi? 💚🌍✨ Come possiamo essere turisti più consapevoli? 💬👇😊 Fatemelo sapere nei commenti! Sarò felice di leggervi! ⬇️VOCABOLARIO ⬇️ Santuari = sanctuaries Biberon = baby bottle Animali strappati ai loro habitat = animals extracted from their habitat Animali in cattività = captive animals Addirittura = even Giri in groppa agli elefanti = Elephant Ride Tour Addestramenti degli animali = animal training Attività innocue = harmless activities Sottometterli = to subdue them Dovremmo esserne consapevoli = We should be aware of that La schiusa delle tartarughe marine = sea turtle hatching Nutrirsi = to feed
15. Turisti e Animali: come rispettare la fauna?
5 ก.พ. 2025 เวลา 22:04