Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to tell the time in Spanish? Perhaps you needed to arrange for an airport taxi to pick you up, or perhaps you met some friends on your trip and wanted to make some plans.

It is not difficult to learn how to tell time in Spanish. You will have no trouble getting the hang of it if you know how to count in Spanish and a few question words in Spanish.

Learn how to tell time in Spanish

Telling the time in Spanish is an essential skill that will make your conversations much easier!

Learn how to tell the time in Spanish

People no longer need to ask strangers on the street for the time. However, there are numerous reasons why we should be able to tell the time in Spanish. For example:

  • You would like to invite someone to a party, a date, or a business meeting.
  • You want to inquire about a company’s operating hours.
  • You must make travel plans with your Airbnb host.
  • Someone calls to reschedule, and you must choose a new time.

The first word you’ll want to learn is hora (pronounced ora — don’t forget the h is silent in Spanish), which translates to ‘hour’. When asking what time it is in Spanish, you will use hora rather than tiempo (time).

If this sounds confusing, remember that when you ask for the time, you ask for the hour (and minutes!). Consider asking them to check their clock to see what time it is! The minute part is automatically included in the hora, so it is unnecessary to request it separately.

Here is how to ask what time it is in Spanish:

What’s the time?¿Qué hora es?
Do you have the time?¿Tienes la hora?
Do you know what time it is?¿Sabes qué hora es?

To become fluent in Spanish, you must also learn to tell time on the hour. There is no mention of minutes in Spanish, but people are expected to give time in an hour-and-minute format. But what if no minutes are available? Here’s what you need to say:

How to tell time on the hour?

It’s one o’clockEs la una en punto
It’s two o’clockSon las dos en punto
It’s three o’clockSon las tres en punto
It’s four o’clockSon las cuatro en punto
It’s five o’clockSon las cinco en punto
It’s six o’clockSon las seis en punto
It’s seven o’clockSon las siete en punto
It’s eight o’clockSon las ocho en punto
It’s nine o’clockSon las nueve en punto
It’s ten o’clockSon las diez en punto
It’s eleven o’clockSon las once en punto
It’s twelve o’clockSon las doce en punto
Learn to tell time on the hour

How to say half past, quarter past, and quarter to?

When discussing the time, we don’t need to get too specific. In English, we say “it’s a quarter past three” rather than “it’s three fifteen.” The same can be said for Spanish. Let’s look at some examples.

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence
It’s half pastY mediaSon las tres y media
It’s quarter pastY cuartoSon las doce y cuarto
It’s quarter toCuarto paraEs cuarto para la una

If you want to learn Spanish easily, it is important to focus on developing speaking skills. Practice as much as you can. Don’t fear to make mistakes. Try telling the time in Spanish every time someone asks you.

How do you say the time of day in Spanish?

EnglishSpanishExample Sentence
MorningMañanaSon las 10 de la mañana
AfternoonTardeSon las 4 de la tarde
EveningTardeSon las 7 de la tarde
NightNocheSon las 11 de la noche
Midday / noonMediodíaNos vemos mañana al mediodía
MidnightMedianocheSu vuelo aterriza a la medianoche
DuskAnochecerLlega antes del anochecer
DawnAmanecerDesperté antes del amanecer
BedtimeHora de dormirEs la hora de dormir
LunchtimeHora de comerEs la hora de comer
DinnertimeHora de cenarEs la hora de cenar
NaptimeHora de la siestaEs la hora de la siesta
Around X timeComo a las…Nos vemos como a las 8
Tell people time in Spanish

How to tell exact minutes in Spanish?

Asking for the exact time is similar to asking for the time in English: simply include the words “exact” or “exactly” when you ask for the time. It is also similar to telling the exact minutes. First, say the hour as usual, then add the number for minutes immediately after the number for hours. Just like in English, you’d say “it is two twenty-five” to say it is 2:25, in Spanish, you’d say “son las dos veinticinco.”

What time is it exactly?¿Qué hora es exactamente?
Do you have the exact time?¿Tienes la hora exacta?
It’s 7:08Son las siete cero ocho
It’s 1:25Es la una veinticinco

Other time-related phrases in Spanish

EnglishSpanishIn a Sentence/Example
DayDía¿Qué día nos vemos?
WeekSemanaLa próxima semana.
MonthMesEn un mes me voy a México.
YearAñoEn un año cumplo 18.
YesterdayAyerAyer me enfermé.
TodayHoy¡Hoy es viernes!
TomorrowMañanaMañana no trabajo.
MondayLunesEl lunes tengo trabajo.
TuesdayMartesEl martes es día feriado.
WednesdayMiércolesEl miércoles es mi cumpleaños.
ThursdayJueves¿Quieres ir a cenar conmigo el jueves?
FridayViernes¡Ya es viernes!
SaturdaySábadoEl sábado voy a ir al museo.
SundayDomingoEl domingo es mi día de descanso.
Last YearEl año pasadoEl año pasado fui a Argentina.
This YearEste añoEste año quiero ir a Chile.
Next YearEl próximo añoEl próximo año me gradúo.
Next TimeLa próxima vezLa próxima vez yo te invito.
Last MonthEl mes pasadoEl mes pasado me dieron un aumento.
This MonthEste mesEste mes voy a tener mucho trabajo.
Next MonthEl próximo mesEl próximo mes me voy a Colombia.
Take Your TimeToma tu tiempoToma tu tiempo para responder.
Once Upon A TimeÉrase una vezÉrase una vez, en un reino muy, muy lejano.
A Long TimeMucho tiempoMe quedo en Argentina mucho tiempo.
SometimeAlguna vez¿Alguna vez has ido a Venezuela?
OccasionallyOcasionalmenteOcasionalmente tomo vino tinto.
Have a great timePásalo bien¡Pásalo bien en tus vacaciones!
Until next time!¡Hasta la próxima!Ya me voy. ¡Hasta la próxima!
Over TimeA lo largo del tiempoTe vas a ir acostumbrando a lo largo del tiempo.
Time is moneyEl tiempo es oroEl tiempo es oro, así que ¡a trabajar!
Time’s up¡Se acabó el tiempo!¡Se acabó el tiempo! Ya terminó el examen.
Out of timeYa no queda tiempoMe gustaría conocer ese museo, pero ya no nos queda tiempo.
Time fliesEl tiempo vuelaEl tiempo vuela cuando te diviertes.

If you are a passionate Spanish learner and wants to become a fluent speaker, we recommend you explore italki. Here, you will find the best Spanish tutor offering their teaching services online.

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Frequently asked questions

How do I say “decades” in Spanish?

Decades are pronounced in the plural in Spanish, just as they are in English. The ’80s, for example, are los ochentas, the ’90s, los noventas, and so on. The only difference is that you must spell the numbers when writing them.

What is the Spanish word for a century?

The word for “century” in Spanish is siglo. Apart from that, there is no need to use ordinal numbers when referring to a specific century.

How do I ask “How long?” in Spanish?

¿Cuánto tiempo? Means how long in Spanish.


We hope now you know how to tell time in Spanish. We recommend you engage in extensive Spanish-speaking practice to attain frequency. Don’t fear mistakes and practice every new concept you learn.

Moreover, explore italki to find the best Spanish tutors. Visit the website today and book your lesson plans!

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