This step-by-step guide will help you learn German fast. The thought of learning a foreign language scares a lot of people but today we will decode the ways to learn German faster without losing your cool.
A large number of people get confused over German language levels and consider it one of the most difficult languages to master. It is a myth that learning German is difficult. Learning a language takes time and dedication. The same is true for the German language.
It only takes enough motivation and hard work to achieve your goal. And if you are not sure where to begin, we have put together some pointers in this article to help you learn German quickly.
It is crucial for you to know that learning German will be more difficult for Chinese people than for English native speakers. This is due to the German language being a member of the Germanic languages, a group of Indo-European languages that share many similarities with other Germanic languages such as English and Dutch.
How long does it take to learn German?
Learning German can be challenging, especially if you are a native speaker of a language other than the Indo-European family. But, regardless of your native language, and even if German appears difficult at first, don’t give up.
If you are wondering if there are any shortcuts or specific ways to learn German, we have included a few in this guide that will help you make faster progress. There is no set period of time that guarantees success in learning German, but consistency is the most important factor. You won’t wake up one day and find yourself speaking fluent German.
If you take one step at a time, you will see results quickly. Learning a new language can take a long time depending on a variety of factors such as prior experience and exposure to the language, resilience, how much effort you put into the learning process, motivation, and so on.
However, if you practice on a daily basis for at least three to six months, you should be able to handle a daily conversation with a friend as well as things like entering a cafe and placing an order in German. Practicing daily is necessary if you want to learn German in three months.
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How to learn German faster?
If you want to learn German for free, try considering the following strategies:
– Find a compelling reason to keep you going.
– Learn the essentials of the German language.
– Learn slang, funny words, and idioms to keep things interesting.
– Practice on a daily basis. Speak with native German speakers if possible.
Learn the German alphabet
If you are wondering how to learn German as a complete beginner, we recommend starting with the alphabet. The German language, like English, has 26 letters. There are a few letters with pronunciations that do not exist in English: ä,ö,ü, and, but these letters do not appear in the Alphabet. Practice their correct pronunciation as it will help you significantly adjust your accent.
Learn German grammar
Grammar is usually a nightmare for anyone learning a new language, and this is not limited to the German language. However, master this section and you will be speaking German fluently in no time. Prasens, Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futur I, and Futur II are the six tenses in German.
– Präsens is related to the Present tense in English
– Präteritum is related to Perfect tenses
– Plusquamperfekt is related to Past Perfect
– Futur I is related to the Future tense
– Futur II is related to the Future perfect plus “will” and “have”
Learn basic German expressions
After grammar, you need to learn basic German expressions to carry out daily conversations. These expressions give beginners the confidence to start speaking German words with the correct pronunciation.
Below are some basic German expressions. Memorize them and try using them on a daily basis.
Hallo! – Hello! | Wie geht’s? – How are you? |
Danke! – Thank you! | Mir geht’s gut. – I’m doing well |
Vielen Dank! – Thank you very much! | Mir geht’s nicht gut. – I’m not doing well |
Willkommen! – Welcome! | Ich komme aus… – I’m from |
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag – Happy Birthday | Ich bin hier wegen + Genitiv… – I’m here for… |
Fröhliche Weihnachten – Merry Christmas | Bis später! – See you later |
Guten Morgen! – Good Morning! | Tschüß! – Bye! |
Guten Abend! – Good evening! | Ich heiβe… – My name is… |
Learn German idioms
Learning idioms will undoubtedly provide you with a more creative way of expressing yourself. Here are some German idioms and their English translations:
– Da steppt der Bär (Literally: The bear dances there) – It will be a good party Tomaten auf den Augen haben (Literally: to have tomatoes on one’s eyes) – to be unaware of what is going around you
– Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung setzen (Literally: Put heaven and hell in motion) – to move heaven and earth
– Eine Extrawurst verlangen (Literally: to ask for an extra sausage) – ask for special treatment
– Da kannst du Gift drauf nehmen (Literally: You can take poison on that) – you can bet on it
– den Nagel auf den Kopf treffen (Literally: to hit the nail on the head) – you hit it right
– seinen Senf dazugeben (Literally: to add their mustard) – to put two cents in
– klar wie Kloßbrühe (Literally: clear as soup) – clear as crystal
– Schwein haben (Literally: to have a pig) – to be lucky
Explore German culture
Germany has a diverse cultural heritage. For centuries, it was the home of many intellectuals and major events. They influenced and shaped not only the culture of Europe’s old continent but the culture of the entire world. Their imprints can be found all over the place and throughout history.
Germany, with over 81 million people, is Europe’s second most populous country, trailing only Russia. Germans make up 91% of the population, with Turkish constituting the largest minority group at 2.4%. 70% identify as Christians, 3.7% as Muslims, and the remainder do not belong to a religion or have a religion other than Christian or Muslim.
Germans are known for their hard work. They admire precision and dislike making excuses or making jokes about it. They enjoy food, so it’s not surprising that they have many traditional dishes. Beer is their preferred beverage. The annual beer consumption per capita in Germany is 106 litters, ranking third in the world. Germany produces over 300 different types of baked bread.
Learn German with italki
Last but not least, if you want to learn to speak German faster, italki is the right learning medium for you. You can learn German online by selecting your desired instructor (native German speaker), schedule, and budget.
This platform has got an amazing team of German teachers who are highly experienced and professional. They will make you learn German right from the basics and move towards advanced levels at a gradual pace. Book your lessons today!
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At italki, you can find your German tutor from all qualified and experienced teachers. Now experience the excellent language learning journey!
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Learning a language usually takes time, so be patient with yourself. Using a guide like this one can help you learn a language faster and achieve your goals sooner than you think.
However, keep in mind that there is no standard way to learn German because people differ and learn in different ways. So look for a learning method that works for you. Get yourself a good German teacher from italki and let the learning begin!
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