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Watching TV Shows in your target language is a fun and interesting way to improve your listening skills and learn more about the culture behind the language.
EastEnders is an iconic English soap opera. 📺 On air since 1985, its popularity lies partly in its realism, and it has become a big part of working-class culture in the country. It is set in the East End of London, an area of the city that grew significantly during the industrial revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, with many working people from Ireland and Eastern Europe migrating to the area, among others. 🏭 The East End became a very important industrial and commercial hub, largely thanks to the ease of water transportation on the River Thames. 🌊 The area also had very difficult living conditions, with a lot of poverty. 💸 Do you know the name of the East End's traditional accent? 👀❓
The traditional East End accent is:
19 quizzed
Jan 24, 2024 7:37 PM
Turkish TV series recommendations: Behzat Ç. Bir Ankara Polisiyesi": Ankara Emniyet Müdürlüğü'nde görev yapan Behzat Ç. ve ekibinin polisiye maceralarını konu alır. Hikaye, suçları çözmek için çaba sarf eden dedektiflerin yaşantılarına odaklanır. "Leyla ile Mecnun": Modern bir "Leyla ile Mecnun" uyarlaması olan dizi, komedi ve dramatik unsurları bir araya getirir. Leyla ve Mecnun'un aşk hikayesini mizahi bir dille anlatır. "Kuzey Güney": İki kardeş arasındaki farklı yaşantıları konu alan bu dizi, dramatik olaylar ve aile ilişkileri üzerine odaklanır. Karakterler arasındaki çatışmalar ve ilişkiler diziyi ilginç kılar. "Gülbeyaz": Bir aşk hikayesini temel alan dizi, Gülbeyaz ve Ali'nin hayatlarını etkileyen zorlukları anlatır. Romantik ve duygusal bir içeriği bulunmaktadır.
December 23, 2023
Včeraj zvečer sem si ogledala epizodo serije "Raziskovalka Dora", ki je otroška oddaja ki jo sem včasih gledala kot otrok, da sem se učila španščino. Toda verzija ki jo sem si ogledala včeraj je bila slovenska verzija za se učenje angleščine. Ker si nisem že dolgo ogledala te oddaje, do zdaj se nisem zavedala da se res redko pogovarjajo literalne osebe s ciljnim jezikom. Čeprav je še uporabno zame za vajo poslušanja. Naj jo dodam na svoj seznam sredstev, ker sem tudi našla špansko in mandarinsko verzijo, med drugim. V epizodi, so šli Dora, Škorenjc, in velikonočni zajec na izpit da bi našli zajčkovo košaro, ki je jo prej ukradel in zavrgl daleč Lisjak Zmikavt. Oni trije so prvič prehodili mimo cvetličnega vrta. Potem so pobožali živali na kmetiji, da bi šli mimo njih. Zadnjič so prišli na rob mavrične reke, kjer so rešili košaro iz slapa. Po vsej tej avanturi, so se vrnili v Dorini dom. Vsa družina in Dorine prijateljice so skupaj igrali, iskali zajčkova jajca, in proslavljali. Zajecu je bilo všeč da je vsemu pridružil na proslavo.
December 11, 2023
🎬​ Watching TV series in 🇫🇷​ French can help you improve your French and enrich your vocabulary. 💬👇 Here is a short conversation from Lupin on Netflix. 👇 ✅ Subscribe to my profile for more useful exercices or ✅ book a lesson to start practice speaking French on the topics you are passionate about. 💡 Read the conversation and the translation below. Then answer in French using words/phrases from the conversation: ❓Tu as regardé Lupin ? ❓Tu as déjà tout quitté pour suivre quelqu’un ? ❓Serais-tu prêt(e) à tout quitter pour suivre quelqu'un ? *on s’en va, Claire - we're leaving, Claire // давай уедем, Клэр *Raoul, toi et moi, on quitte la France - Raoul, you and I, we're leaving France // Рауль, ты и я, мы уедем из Франции *on se barre loin - We're getting far away // уедем далеко *où personne nous connaît - where nobody knows us // где никто нас не знает *j’ai pris un aller simple sur un cargo - I booked a one-way ticket on a cargo ship // я купил билет в один конец на грузовом корабле *qui quitte Marseille dans 48 heures - that is leaving Marseille in 48 hours // который отправляется из Марселя через 48 часов *je viens de comprendre un truc, là - I just realized something // я только что поняла одну вещь *t’es fou, en fait, t’es réellement fou - You're crazy, actually, you're really crazy // ты сумасшедший, ты действительно сумасшедший *tu crois que Raoul et moi - Do you think Raoul and I // Ты думаешь, что Рауль и я *on va tout quitter pour te suivre - we will leave everything behind to follow you // мы все бросим, чтобы идти за тобой
November 3, 2023
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